Facilitating the protection and restoration of species and ecosystems at risk on BC’s South Coast
In 2006, the South Coast Conservation Program (SCCP) and the Fraser Valley Conservancy (FVC) joined forces to encourage protection of endangered species on private land. The South Coast has a high level of biodiversity thanks to a variety of ecosystems. However, the region’s natural plants and animals also face the challenge of living in the most densely populated area of the Province. Currently, there are over 260 endangered species that can be found in the region.
What is the Program about?
This program encourages landowners to actively play a role in stewarding and improving wildlife habitat on their land. This can include monitoring, maintenance, enhancement, or protection for wildlife including species and ecosystems at risk.
Why Stewardship?
Environmental Stewardship has been defined as the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices. It promotes the idea that we all have a shared responsibility to help conserve and responsibly manage our ecological wealth through sustainable practices which minimize our impact on the environment.
What are the Program benefits?
By participating in this free program landowners can receive a visit from a knowledgeable local including any or all of the following:
Landowners who sign Stewardship Agreements are eligible for more in-depth information and free personal assistance with their property’s stewardship. This can include examples such as the removal of stubborn invasive plants and/or enhancing an area with local native plants.
6 x 9" Nature Steward plaques available for program participants.
How can you get involved?
Think you have spotted a rare species, or your property has some value for wildlife?
To report a species at risk sighting or schedule a free visit to learn about opportunities to enhance your backyard contact Tamsin Baker, SCCP Stewardship Coordinator at tamsin@sccp.ca. When reporting your sighting record the location, date/time, the species, and number seen. If you can, take a photo!
Stewardship Resources for the South Coast
The SCCP has compiled a number of resources to help you learn more about stewardship, and how to identify and protect wildlife, including species at risk, in your backyard. Thinking about developing or redeveloping on your property, know your responsibilities around species at risk and critical habitat through our Species at Risk and Critical Habitat: Understanding Responsibilities & Making Informed Decisions On Private Land (Sept. 2018) and our "SARA 101" brochure. Looking to enhance or formally protect your property for species at risk? Choose from one of the links below to learn more!
Identifying Wildlife in Your Backyard
This page contains resources for general species inquiries, as well as simple keys to help you identify the frogs, salamanders, turtles, snakes, snails, birds, and mammals that you would find in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley.
Enhancing Your Yard for Wildlife
Adding native plants and using wildlife-friendly landscaping methods can make the most of your backyard habitat. Learn about more about these and other ways in which to “green” your yard.
Removing Invasive Species
Removing invasive plants and replacing them with native vegetation is the one of the best ways to provide better habitat for wildlife. Learn how to identify invasive species and tips on controlling them.
Leaving a Conservation Legacy
There are various options available to landowners interested in exploring long-term legal protection of their property. If you are interested in learning more about how to donate your ecologically sensitive land or how to add a conservation covenant to your land title, and some of the financial benefits of each option, check out these resources.
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