BC’s South Coast species at risk info sharing and networking event is back for another year! The South Coast Conservation Program (SCCP) is pleased to offer our annual opportunity where you can hear from and connect with experts involved in the various aspects of species at risk recovery. All who are interested in conservation and species at risk recovery on BC's South Coast are welcome.
This year we have put together a two hour Zoom webinar with an exciting lineup of interesting speakers, with some important time for networking and discussion included. The cost is free, but you must pre-register (see form below). Spaces are limited!
The guest speakers include the following:
Jennifer Heron, Invertebrate Conservation Specialist, BC Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship will present updates on invertebrate conservation projects and policy relevant to the south coast region. Updates include details on upcoming best management practises guidelines specific to regional invertebrates, future COSEWIC reports/candidate species, and a provincial community bumble bee monitoring project.
Kendra Morgan, Section Head of Fish and Aquatic Wildlife Resources for the South Coast, BC Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship will present on Natural Resource Sector Ministry Reorganization 2022 to provide a brief overview of some of the changes from the NRS ministry reorganization that took effect April 2022.
Brian Starzomski, Ian McTaggart Cowan Professor of Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Restoration, Director of the School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria will present on The BC Parks iNaturalist Project: community science and biodiversity in British Columbia to introduce the BC Parks iNaturalist project, a partnership between BC Parks and the University of Victoria and Simon Fraser University. Community science draws on the power of many people making many observations of nature, and there will be discussion on how this work gives insight into biodiversity patterns across the province, including endangered and threatened species, invasive species, and often obscure and esoteric species.
Lara Volgyesi, B.L.Arch, Project Consultant, and Emily Pearson, Program Coordinator, Foodlands Cooridor Restoration Program, Rivershed Society of BC will co-present on Foodlands Corridor Restoration Program: Year 1 discussing the newest program at the Rivershed Society of BC. Using a decolonized approach to habitat restoration, the Foodlands Corridor Restoration Program features collaboration with local Indigenous communities through the co-design of corridor sites, the integration of traditional knowledge and language, and the creation of local jobs. This presentation shares an overview of the first year of the program with restoration activities at sc̓e:ɬxʷəy̓əm (Salmon River) Corridor (“sc̓e:ɬxʷəy̓əm” is the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ word for the Salmon River).
Northern Red-legged Frog photo credit: BC Wildlife Federation