Facilitating the protection and restoration of species and ecosystems at risk on BC’s South Coast

Endangered Times – Spring/Summer 2019: What’s New?

Here is a recap of what we have been up to since our last newsletter, and what is on the horizon for the coming spring/summer:

March/April marks the final year of multi-year funding for a number of SCCP projects, including those in partnership with the Fraser Valley Conservancy (FVC) such as the Nature Stewards Program. Our Stewardship Coordinator Tamsin Baker was hard at work with the FVC in the fall of last year applying for funds to continue this incredibly important program partnership. Fingers crossed, we should know by April/May if we were successful! But why wait! Did you know you can support the work of the SCCP at any time and directly? Our good friends at the BC Conservation Foundation have graciously set up a secure donation portal for the SCCP through their website. Consider making a tax-deductible donation today to help support species and ecosystems at work protection in southwest BC! You know it will be money well-spent!


March 2019: Join us for one of our upcoming gardening with native plants workshops! There is still room in our remaining three sessions (Sunshine Coast, Sea-Sky and Fraser Valley). Click here for details and to register.





April 2019: Species at Risk Critical Habitat Screening Workshop. Hosted by the South Coast Conservation Program and the University of British Columbia.  This workshop will provide tools and methods for screening for CH; how Species at Risk (SAR) legislation is applied (for example, in the case of migratory birds that are also species at risk); and how to determine if a SAR permit is required. Participants will learn about the different jurisdictional issues affecting federal versus non-federal lands. They will have the opportunity to “workshop,” in group sessions, through mock scenarios of situations requiring SAR permits and gain practice in filling out permit applications. There are just a few spots left in this workshop! Click here for details and to register.

Now online: SCCP Spring Webinar: Species at Risk - At the Urban/Rural Interface. The seventh in our series of 'lunch and learn' webinars is now live on the SCCP's You Tube Channel! Our multi-year series has focused on the regulatory responsibilities, tools and resources to address stewardship and protection responsibilities for biodiversity, species at risk and critical habitat on BC's south Coast during development and other land use activities. For this first session of 2019 we welcome perspectives from two municipalities - the District of North Vancouver and the Resort Municipality of Whistler. To watch the webinar tune in here!


Saying Goodbye: This newsletter also marks a major change at the helm of the SCCP. Long-time Program Coordinator/Special Projects Coordinator Pamela Zevit, a professional biologist who has worked with the SCCP since 2007 is moving on! Pamela will be taking on the lead role with the City of Surrey for implementing the City’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. The SCCP wishes Pamela all the best, knowing she leaves some major shoes to fill. But we are happy to know she will be working on issues that are near and dear to her heart and will be staying connected to the conservation community on the South Coast! Our Stewardship Coordinator Tamsin Baker (tamsin[at]sccp.ca) will be the main contact for the SCCP as of April 1st.